Siemens Simatic plc (second-hand)
Here you can find used / second-hand Siemens Simatic PLC parts. We can also offer a repair service for Siemens industrial automation parts. In many cases you get a price in advance and we give 6 months warranty.
We supply used and second-hand industrial automation parts from Siemens S5-95U, S5-100U, S7-300, S7-400, S7-1200, S7-200 and the Logo, Teleperm, Sinec, Sinaut and Sinumerik. Not everything we supply is available in our web shop. If you can't find the Siemens Simatic part what you are looking for please let us now by sending a e-mail. See also the used and new Siemens drives and HMI. All the used Siemens parts in our web shop have 6 months warranty. We have been the on-line Siemens Simatic surplus specialist since 2007.